Danish Siddique
Danish is a student and web designer from Islamabad , Pakistan. He is a  writer,  a Poet running few blogs. He can write on number of topics. He is also an addicted Web Developer. He runs A Network which offers GamesSoftwaresEssays, Poems, And much more
WholeWorld4u reached its climax in 2013 and 2014 but due to few reasons , Danish left blogging and popularity of  WholeWorld4u got down gradually. 
Logo of WholeWorld4u in 2013
In Dec 2013 Danish Launched his First blog Wholeworld4u which provides games , softwares and Movies. 

Danish started blogging at the age of only 12 and the start was a bit disappointing. But in a span time of 1-2 Years , his post about MAX-Payne game reached number one on google searches.